Fall back in Like with your spouse: Learn how to Rebuild Trust, Establish Healthy Boundaries, and a Simple Process to let God do the heavy lifting to heal You and your marriage

A 2-Day Virtual Event to Help Weary or discouraged Christian Couples, who don't want a stressful or lonely marriage to be their cross to bear for the rest of their lives.

September 2nd & 3rd

7-10pm EST Monday and Tuesday

Who is this for...

  • Married Christian Couples who want a change in their relationship that lasts, where Jesus does the heavy lifting

  • Married Christian couples where one spouse believes that things need to change ASAP, and the other does not agree or does not feel the same urgency

  • Married Christians who believe they have tried everything and hope is waning

What you'll do in this workshop...

DAY #1: Throw what hasn’t worked in the trash and RESET your marriage

  • How the traditional "Christian" marriage model set you up to fail

  • How to Confidently figure out what’s my fault and what’s their fault

  • Seeing your marriage through a different lens that energizes you to go after a better marriage

  • A step-by-step process to renovate any Christian relationship

DAY #2: Learn and Implement what DOES work!

  • How your your hearts deepest desires actually prevent you from having the relationship you want

  • What made your “Like” for each other decrease and a tool to grow your “Like” again

  • A step-by-step process to renovate your relationship

  • How to learn your spouses language so you can decrease misunderstanding and increase respect

September 2 & 3

Monday and Tuesday

What Makes Our Event Different?

✅️This is a new step-by step approach that couples say "Gives us hope" that the marriage of their dreams is possible and achievable again.

✅️We give you both the biblical AND REAL practical tools that create immediate personal and marriage growth.

✅️We create an environment for you to LEARN and CONNECT with other Christians who want to have God's best marriages too.

✅️We teach you powerful tools that you can implement RIGHT NOW and can see REAL RESULTS quickly!

Meet Your Host

Mathew is a young revolutionary leader in the Christian Marriage field. For years his marriage was on the rocks and nothing he tried made any lasting difference. His hopelessness led him to become a radical student in personal growth, spiritual formation, and marriage improvement. His ability to combine the best fundamental principles in each category paved the way for Mathew to lead he and his wife from frustrated and desperate with a struggling marriage, to hopeful and excited, enjoying a taste of heaven in their marriage. Although he has had his own success, it wasn’t enough for Mathew. His genuine passion and obsession to see Christians win in their marriages have been his driving force to become an expert in his craft. He now spends his time coaching couples all around the country.

Past Results

“After just 2 weeks of working with Mathew I saw myself being more patient, less defensive, and I was more comfortable talking about issues that I would have swept under the rug before we got started. I started to look at my marriage and my wife the way God looks at them and it transformed our relationship. This is what it was always supposed to look like.”


“Going through this training helped me see my husband through Jesus’ eyes and even after 25 years of ups and downs, it helped me to treat him the way Jesus would”


Within just 4 days of working with Mathew, we have hope that we did not have before. We have a new path to go down. We have a new way to handle our triggers. In like 5 minutes, he hammered down our biggest issues. We had the best sex of our life last night!

-Kj and David

"I went from a 3/10 that our marriage would make it to a 9/10 in 4 weeks!"

I had already filed for divorce and was preparing to move out when we first started working with Mathew. I did not believe anyone could help us, but if anyone could it would be Mathew. After seeing the drastic changes in my husband over the first 2 weeks, I started to believe that things could change. I rescinded the divorce papers 2 weeks later, and 4 months later, we are doing better than even before things went south.

- Anonymous

“Having small tasks each week to help me accomplish my goals as a man and accountability to help me achieve my goals faster than I would have by myself relieved alot of pressure that was affecting my relationship with my wife.”


“You helped us agree on and accomplish goals for ourselves personally, for our marriage, and for our kids and it gave us so much hope and momentum. We approach our challenges and our relationship completely different now because of the way we were taught to do marriage. The heaviness between us is gone and there is a lightness now."

“Learning to go to Jesus to get my needs met helped me to stop going to my husband to get my needs met so desperately because I was already fulfilled. We have been able to enjoy each other and our marriage more now that we aren’t desperately grasping at each other to meet others needs like we used to.”
